In Portmassaluca we release a new series, “Wildwatching Matarraña”, where we will show some of the most emblematic species that inhabit the waters of the mouth of the Matarraña river in the Ebro. The clarity of these waters makes it an ideal site, at European level, to see and study species such as catfish, which are usually found in much more murky waters.

During the month of September, 3 Japanese journalists have been conducting a study on catfish for Japanese state television NHK and have revealed to us that it is one of the best rivers for catfish watching, both snorkeling and scuba diving.

Episode 1 – Black Bass – snorkel

In the next episode we show you the Black Bass in its natural habitat, a predatory and territorial fish that has made these waters an emblematic place for fishing. Over the years the appearance of other species, such as the pike perch or perch fluviatis, and the pressure of the fishing, have made it a difficult fish to catch, being the increasingly large specimens, such as the official record obtained in the 2nd Social of the Bass Mequinenza League by Juan José Moya of 3,954 Kg (see here). However, far from disappearing, this fish is still very present in these waters.

Episode 2 – Catfish at night – snorkeling and diving

In the next episode, we will show impressive and unpublished images obtained during the months of September and October at night snorkeling and scuba diving, some together with journalists from the Japanese state channel NHK. The encounters with these animals in their different phases, sleeping, in search of prey in full activity, and the occasional attack, will show us their different facets.

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Posted by on Oct 31, 2015 in Activities, Region | 0 comments